Does it surprise you that a man who once wanted to put Christians to death became one of the Church’s greatest saints? That man is Saint Paul.
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Does it surprise you that a man who once wanted to put Christians to death became one of the Church’s greatest saints? That man is Saint Paul.
Tradition tells us that St. Apollinaris, who lived in the first and second centuries, was born in what was then Antioch in today's country of Turkey. He was made Bishop of Ravenna in Italy by St. Peter himself and was known as a great preacher and evangelizer of people.
Every year at Christmas, children await Santa Claus. When they get older, they think he is just make believe. But Santa Claus really lived—long, long ago. His generosity is based on a saint who was a great gift-giver.
John is sometimes called “the beloved disciple” or “John the Evangelist.” He was the only one of Jesus’ apostles who did not leave him during his crucifixion and death. In the Gospel Jesus even asks John to take care of Mary, the Blessed Mother, after his death.